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Showing posts from September, 2019


 I think Edgar Allan Poe is trying to imply that a nightmare happens within a dream or i can be wrong. This is my first time reading this poem. I've read Edgar Allan poems in jr. high and i remember his poems being dark, scary and a gloomy setting. That's where i think nightmares come in. 


Young Goodman got me thinking at the end. How if this really happened in reality or was it all a Lucid dream? I wonder if saying goodbye to Faith was real, walking into that forest, and meeting the man with the cane. The man he meets in the forest is using a serpent like cane to help him walk better. He offers it to Young Goodman. This portrays a part from the bible using Adam and Eve as an example to the cane as being the devil, yet he refuses it why? He says he's a good christian and wants to return back for Faith's sake, why? Faith goes to the evil side and does everyone else. Young Goodman finds himself back in Salem Village and turns me back to my point in saying all this was just a lucid dream and his mindset completely changes to everyone having some evil in them. Even his Faith with her pink ribbons.


I feel like when a teacher assigns is a prompt we have leverage, and advantage, and more structure to begin the essay. All though having a prompt sometimes can be stressful not knowing anything about or even lacking evidence, that,s when choosing your own prompt comes in handy. I also like the idea when teachers give us the choice to chose our own prompt out of 3 or 2 choices or lets us study them before he or she chooses one for us. Getting handed a prompt can be better for us but there's times where it doesn't benefit us but for the majority its does.


I understood that anyone can hack your password and you can protect it many ways. I think I’m going to follow Dr. Preston’s advice and change my password every month just to be safe from the hackers of the world.


1. I believe Hawthorne’s purpose for this story is share the themes he is trying to show his audience. 2.  In this story the author describes Faith as this gentle and outgoing character but is very mindful. I think the author chose to chose this character’s name Faith because she was Goodman’s faith in guiding him to the good and keeping his heart open. In the beginning it seems as if he didn’t have faith in her but as the story started to unwind it seemed as if he learned his lesson in his own ways. 3. The pink ribbons that the authors used constantly in the beginning of the story signify Faith’s girly but good hearted personality and later in the story he uses them again as a symbol that it is Faith. 4. I believe everything that Goodman Brown witnessed was just a horrible dream, all this evil manifesting in him was just a bad dream. In the eighth paragraph the author says something about an ‘evil purpose he had’. So being said I think he was going to do something guilty but the


The book I finished reading was A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini. Throughout this book there is many different themes you get out of it and the author is trying to show us. I think one important theme is friendship, this shows when Mariam and Laila develop a friendship throughout their hard lives and at one point in this abusive relationship they stand of for each either from Rasheed. He at some points tries to strangle Laila but Mariam jumps in and end up saving her and killing Rasheed. There is a plot to each of Mariam’s side and Laila’s side. Mariam’s side is having an abusive relationship with Rasheed and having awful miscarriages and not achieving the son he want and eventually leads to Laila having that same abusive relationship with Rasheed once she gives him the son he wanted. I feel like the way the author puts words together is so academic which leads me to diction and the way he puts his sentences together makes imagine a little picture/movie in my head understati


There isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish every certain task you desire. I feel like school takes up that time but I try to do what I can after school. One thing we can try to do it manage your time and do the important tasks first the less so important ones next and have some free time at the end as a little reward to what you have accomplished.


I mostly use Snapchat , iMessages, and sometimes Instagram to send my daily memes. And when I’m tired of just texting I like to have a one and one conversation or with my best friends. Personally having a one on one conversation with someone can be so much more meaningful and deep.


My first impression of Young Goodman Brown was creepy and weird not understating some content but as Dr Preston was explaining throughout the reading and analyzing each paragraph I was getting that he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to and makes me want to read and find out more.


Something I’ve done really well in this course is learning new things and gaining the knowledge I am being taught. I feel like I’m starting to understand literature more and more and it’s actually very beautiful in a way all these words can be molded into something worth reading.


I invest most of my time in school work and just being home and getting stuff done like cleaning, homework, taking care of my sisters. I don’t really have many habit I enjoy doing makeup for fun and  I don’t let my phone be a distraction to my school work because it feels so much better when your done with everything and have that free time rather than to dwell on all your missing assignments.


After reading The Earth On Turtle’s Back I instantly figured out it was fiction due to the animals talking also turned out it was a myth. I learned people have very different beliefs from others on how earth was made. It also should a little bit of girl power just like the little muskrat out beat everyone.


Today I was thinking that recipes main ingredient is actually love. I get that it’s love rather than buying something already premade and just sticking it in the oven or already store bought. For finals I’m actually exited to make something from my own two hands rather buying it last minute.

The Making Of An Essay

Lets face it , writing essay isn’t everyone’s favorite thing to do. Hearing your teacher say alright class we are doing a essay , you just moan in annoyance. Essays take a lot of time from other homework and you just stress to write the ‘perfect’ essay. I’m good at writing essays but I mean there’s always room for improvement.

Everything is a remix

What I’ve learned from today’s video was simply anyone can remix. You don’t have to know the tools or be talented. The definition of remix is taking something already existing and make it or combine it to something ‘new’, they are simply arrangements and transformation of samples. The question in the video was ¿How do we Create? 3 things which consists of Domain Knowledge, Transformation, and Combination. I’ve also learned original ideas are not property they can be stolen > crime > theft > and just becomes a chain reaction. The drawings and animation of the second video were more interesting than the first one rather than hearing the guy talking up there and gave us a more visual point of view.

The First 50 Pages

 I chose to read A Thousand Splendid Suns because it was suggested and seemed interesting the way a friend described it to me. The first 50 pages were very riveting and just a entertaining book. It all starts with a young girl whose name is Mariam who lives with her mom and suffers neglect and shame. Her father who has 3 wives including her mother visits Mariam every Thursday. She talks nothing but good things about her father while her mother talks down on him saying he’s a no good father and doesn’t care one bit about her. Mariam has never been outside her village, seen a movie, or even ever had friends her age. She’s always been isolated with her mother , because her mother says she doesn’t need nobody but her. One day Mariam asked her father to take her to watch a movie at his cinema for her 15th birthday. She waited patiently hour after hour but no sign of him. So she walked to his house about a kilometer away. He ‘wasn’t’ home so she slept outside his house waiting for him but ne

How I Read

If I’m honest I haven’t read in so long I forgot how to savor in a great book. I used to read so much back in the day and now it’s like what is a book? I really look forward by choosing a book to read for this class to give me the imagination I tend to need. I love reading mystery books. They always grab my attention and who doesn’t love a good plot twist?

Getting to Know You

I tend to find myself very anti social. I really don’t like talking and meeting new people , I’ve always been this way. I really only have 4 really close friends in this school. But meeting new people isn’t so bad because they make the high school experience more fun and with more memories.